Many recent college graduates flunk their first job interview. The survey found that 32 percent of respondents said the candidate didn’t have any questions for the interviewer, while 30 percent said the interviewee showed up late. Other gaffes included candidates bad-mouthing former employers (19 percent), appearing arrogant (16 percent) and being dressed inappropriately (14 percent). Surprisingly, only 2 percent of those surveyed said they’d encountered a candidate who admitted to lying on a resume.
While it’s easy to understand how some of these mistakes could happen, others are simply the result of not preparing for the interview. If you want to make sure you don’t find yourself in the latter category, continue to read on.
Why is it important to know common job interview mistakes?
The importance of knowing the common job interview mistakes cannot be understated. Candidates who are unaware of these mistakes often make them, which can cost them the job. When going into a job interview, it is important to be aware of the most common mistakes that candidates make. This way, you can avoid them and improve your chances of impressing the interviewer and landing the job.
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Why is a job interview important?
A job interview is important because it gives the employer a chance to see if you are a good fit for the position. It also allows you to ask questions and learn more about the company and the job. Finally, it helps the employer decide if they want to offer you the job.
Common Blunders
When it comes to job interviews, even the most qualified and experienced candidates can make costly mistakes. For fresh graduates, who may have little to no interviewing experience, these blunders can be even more common – and costly. Here are nine of the most common job interview mistakes that fresh graduates make, and how to avoid them.
- Not Doing Your Homework
One of the best ways to make a great impression is to research the company ahead of time. Review the company website, read articles about them online and see if you know anyone who works there. Be prepared to talk about why you want to work for this particular organization. An interview coach from Melbourne once said, “The best way to sell yourself in an interview is to do research and be prepared. If you can do those two things, you’ll be sure to impress the interviewer.”
- Arriving Late or Too Early
One common blunder people make is arriving late or too early to their job interview. Arriving late makes you look unprofessional and unprepared. Try to arrive about 10 minutes before your interview is scheduled. This will give you time to fill out any paperwork and get settled without being too early. If you’re taking public transportation, such as bus transportation, be sure to give yourself plenty of time in case there are delays. It’s better to arrive a little early than risk being late. “From small towns to large cities, buses get people where they need to go – to work, school, medical appointments and many other places”, says a charter bus specialist from Bundaberg.
- Dressing Inappropriately
Your goal is to look polished and professional. If you’re unsure about the dress code, err on the side of caution and go for a more conservative look.
- Acting Disinterested or Arrogant
Your body language says a lot about you, so make sure you’re sending the right message. Sit up straight, make eye contact and avoid crossing your arms or fidgeting. And even though it ’s tempting to talk about how great you are, resist the urge to brag.
- Answering Questions With Questions
When an interviewer asks you a question, they don’t want to hear another question in return. It’s important to listen carefully and thoughtfully answer each query. It’s important to listen carefully and thoughtfully answer each query. However, if you’re unsure of what the interviewer just asked, it’s okay to ask for clarification. This will show that you’re taking the interview seriously and want to be sure you understand everything correctly. The interviewer wants to get to know you and your qualifications, so give them something to work with. This is your time to shine!
- Speaking Negatively About Past Employers
It ’s only natural to have some complaints about your previous boss or company, but save them for your friends or therapist. Instead, focus on the positive and talk about what you learned from the experience.
- Appearing Unprepared
Be ready to talk about your skills, accomplishments and why you’re the best candidate for the job. Have a few stories or examples ready to share that will illustrate your strengths.
- Asking About Salary, Benefits or Vacation Time
This is one of the most common mistakes candidates make. Save these questions for after you’ve received a job offer.
- Failing to Send a Thank-You Note
After the interview, take the time to write a thank-you note to each person you met with. This is one more opportunity to make a good impression and solidify your interest in the position. Making even one of these job interview mistakes could cost you the job. By avoiding them, you’ll increase your chances of impressing the hiring manager and scoring the gig.
Final Thoughts
Mistakes are inevitable during an interview, especially for rookies, but there are some that you can avoid. By avoiding these mistakes, you’ll increase your chances of getting the job you want.