5 AI Paraphrasing Hacks to Grow Your Content Creativity

Paraphrasing is the process of restating a statement or content piece in a unique or novel form while keeping the main theme untouched. In the old days, it was done manually but with the advancements …

Paraphrasing is the process of restating a statement or content piece in a unique or novel form while keeping the main theme untouched. In the old days, it was done manually but with the advancements it changed into automated paraphrasing with the innovation of tools. After that AI integrated with the paraphrasers and started doing AI paraphrasing like humans.

AI rephrasing is not like manual or old type rephrasing it is focused on the mechanism of making the content unique. But, AI rephrasers, make the content restated into unique, engaging as well and creative forms. Let us discuss the top five AI paraphrasing hacks to grow your content creativity.

5 Details About AI Paraphrasing Hacks to Grow Your Content Creativity

Before heading towards AI rephrasing hacks, we want to make clear that they are done only with the help of online AI tools for rephrasing. So, in the following sections, we’ll be talking about AI paraphrasing with the use of an online AI paraphrasing tool.

1. Modify the Sentence Structure

One of the hacks used by AI paraphrasing is the change of sentence structure. In this hack, an AI rephrasing tool makes the following changes.

  • Alter the word order in a sentence.
  • Making sentences start with a different opening.
  • By using modifiers in the sentences e.g., Rather, Fairly, Absolutely, etc.
  • Altering the speech e.g. Direct into indirect.
  • Transform one voice into another i.e., Passive into Active and the other way round.

All the above changes will transform your content into a more creative form. Let us go practical with one of the most populous AI paraphrasing tools i.e., paraphraseonline.io.

In the above example, you can see how the tool provided us with a novel as well as creative content piece.

2. Using Novel Words

Another trick implemented to make your content more creative is the use of novel words. For this Ai paraphrasing tool uses a particular technique that is known to be the “Synonymizing Technique.” 

Most AI rephrasers are equipped with a novel vocabulary. Using this they automatically embed novel as well as more words or phrases in place of actual wording of your content. This hack of rephrasing not only makes your content creative but also engaging for readers. 

Let us go practical with AI rephrasing.

We inputted some content that was not given a creative look, into an AI rephrasing tool. The tool made replacements of original wording with the use of novel and creative words.

In the above example, you can examine how the tool replaced a maximum of original phrases with their creative contextually correct synonyms.

3. Breaking as well as Merging Actual Sentences

Let us come to the third hack. This hack works on two sides, one is the breaking of longer sentences and the second is the merging of shorter sentences. However, it does not merge or break all the sentences in the given text but applies the technique on which there is a possibility. Moreover, doing these changes the hack does not touch the actual meaning.

Additionally, for the hack, the tool uses Commas, Semicolons, Conjunctions, or Transitional Adverbs. These are used to make the new sentences coherent or coordinated.

Now make this hack practically done by the rephrasing tool. For this, we inputted a content piece into the selected rephrase. 

After rephrasing the tool made the following changes that can be seen in the below image.

4. Removing Unnecessary Words

The fourth hack used by AI rephrasers is the removal of unnecessary or extra words. This is not done to only clarify the output or fresh content but to impart creativity. With machine learning techniques, the tools make detection of such words or phrases. After that, they skip these words in such a way that will not affect the main intent.

Let us see this in the following example.

We uploaded our sample content that had some redundant wording. The tool automatically, detected, removed, and produced a creative output.

As seen below figure.

5. Alternating Grammatical Structure

The last but not the latest hack used by AI rephrasing is the alteration of the grammatical structure of your content. For this hack, the tools apply the following changes.

  • Replacing the nouns with their pronouns.
  • Usage of Singular in place of plural nouns and vice versa.
  • Altering the form of verbs as well as tenses.
  • Use of different person (i.e., 1st, 2nd, or 3rd).

And so on…

The tools make these changes under the boundaries of actual meaning. For example.


AI paraphrasing hacks have made it easier to give your content a creative look. For this, you just must input some text and press the rephrase button. An AI rephraser will automatically impart creativity to your content. This creativity is the result of some hacks used by a rephraser. In the above post, we explained the top among them i.e., changing the Sentence structure, Using Novel Words, Breaking/Merging Sentences, Skipping Extra Words, and Altering Grammatical.

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