How to Apply for a Partner Visa in Australia?

Applying for a partner visa in Australia can be a complex process, but with the right information and guidance, you can navigate through it successfully. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to apply for a partner visa, outlining the key requirements and procedures involved. Whether you are married, in a de facto relationship, or in a same-sex relationship, this guide will help you understand the application process and increase your chances of a successful outcome.

Which Option Should I Choose: Applying for a Partner Visa in Australia Myself or Seeking Help from a Registered Migration Agent?

Whether to apply for a partner visa in Australia yourself or seek assistance from a registered migration agent is a personal decision that depends on your individual circumstances and level of comfort with the application process. 

However, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks of self-applying, such as:

  • Lack of Knowledge and Experience: The partner visa application process involves complex immigration laws, policies, and documentation requirements. If you choose to handle the application yourself without sufficient knowledge or experience, you may struggle to understand the intricacies involved, potentially leading to errors or omissions that could adversely impact your application.
  • Incomplete or Insufficient Documentation: Providing thorough and convincing evidence of a genuine and committed relationship is crucial for a successful partner visa application. Without the guidance of a registered migration agent, you may struggle to gather the necessary documentation or inadvertently submit incomplete or insufficient evidence, which can weaken your case.
  • Limited Understanding of Immigration Policies and Updates: Immigration policies and regulations can change frequently. Registered migration agents stay informed about the latest updates and understand how these changes can affect visa applications. By self-applying, you may overlook important policy changes that could impact your eligibility or the strength of your application.
  • Increased Processing Time: Filling out the application forms, gathering supporting documents, and ensuring compliance with all requirements can be time-consuming. Without the guidance of a migration agent, you may spend additional time researching and understanding the process, potentially leading to delays in submitting your application or responding to additional requests from the Department of Home Affairs.
  • Higher Risk of Application Rejection: The partner visa application process is stringent, and even minor errors or omissions can result in rejection. Without the expertise of a registered migration agent, there is an increased risk of making mistakes that could lead to the refusal of your application. This can be a significant setback, requiring you to reapply and potentially incur additional costs.
  • Limited Support and Guidance: Applying for a partner visa can be an emotionally demanding process. A registered migration agent can offer support, guidance, and answer your questions throughout the application journey. By self-applying, you may lack access to professional advice and assistance, which can be particularly challenging if you encounter unexpected difficulties or uncertainties.
  • Missed Opportunities for Strategic Planning: A registered migration agent can analyze your circumstances, identify potential challenges, and develop a strategic approach to strengthen your application. Without professional assistance, you may miss out on valuable advice regarding the best way to present your case or address any weaknesses in your application.

While self-applying for a partner visa is possible, it’s important to consider these drawbacks and assess your own knowledge, capabilities, and resources. Engaging an Australian registered migration agent can provide peace of mind, increase the chances of a successful outcome, and streamline the application process through their expertise, knowledge, and experience in navigating partner visa applications. 

How to Apply for a Partner Visa in Australia

Applying for partner visa Australia is a multi-step process that involves gathering documentation, meeting eligibility requirements, and submitting an application to the Department of Home Affairs. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to apply for a partner visa in Australia:

Step 1: Determine Your Eligibility

Before applying for a partner visa, it’s essential to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria. The most common partner visa subclasses are subclass 820/801 (for onshore applicants) and subclass 309/100 (for offshore applicants). The key eligibility requirements include being in a genuine and committed relationship with an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen.

Step 2: Gather Required Documents

Collect the necessary documents to support your partner visa application. These may include:

  • Identity documents: Passports, birth certificates, and identification cards.
  • Relationship evidence: Proof of your genuine and committed relationship, such as joint bank accounts, shared bills, joint lease or mortgage agreements, photographs together, correspondence, and statutory declarations from family and friends.
  • Character and health assessments: Police certificates from all countries you have lived in, as well as medical examinations conducted by a panel doctor approved by the Department of Home Affairs.

Step 3: Lodge an Expression of Interest (EOI) (if applicable)

If you are applying for a subclass 189 or subclass 190 visa and have been invited by a state or territory government or employer, you may need to lodge an Expression of Interest (EOI) through the SkillSelect system. This step is not required for partner visas.

Step 4: Submit the Application

Complete the partner visa application form, which can be done online through the Department of Home Affairs website. Ensure that you provide accurate information and attach all required documents as evidence.

Step 5: Pay the Application Fee

Pay the applicable visa application fee at the time of submission. The fee varies depending on the visa subclass and your location.

Step 6: Temporary Visa Grant

Once your application is submitted, you may be granted a Bridging Visa A (BVA) if you are onshore. This allows you to remain in Australia lawfully while your partner visa application is being processed. If you are offshore, you can remain in your home country until a decision is made on your application.

Step 7: Additional Information and Interviews

During the processing of your application, the Department of Home Affairs may request additional information or schedule an interview to assess the genuineness of your relationship. Provide any requested documents promptly and attend interviews as required.

Step 8: Permanent Visa Grant

If you are wondering how to get Australian PR, it is worth noting that if your partner visa application is approved, you will be granted a permanent partner visa, which serves as a pathway to PR. For subclass 820/801, the permanent visa is usually granted two years after the initial application. For subclass 309/100, the permanent visa is granted after a waiting period of two years from the date of application.


Applying for a partner visa in Australia requires careful preparation, thorough documentation, and adherence to the application process. By following this step-by-step guide and seeking professional advice when needed, you can navigate the process successfully. Remember to provide comprehensive evidence of your genuine and committed relationship, and consult with registered migration agents or immigration lawyers to ensure a smooth application process. Good luck as you embark on your journey to obtaining a partner visa in Australia!

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