Car accident attorneys take a holistic approach to each client’s case. They determine liability, examine the extent of a victim’s injuries, and calculate current and future damages.
A car accident attorney can help a victim recover total and fair compensation from an insurance company. But there are inevitable mistakes that a victim could make that would reduce the amount they receive.
Hire an Attorney
If negotiations with the insurance company fail to produce a fair settlement, your attorney will file a lawsuit and argue your case before a judge and jury. This can be stressful, but it is essential to hire a Sebastian pedestrian accident lawyer on your side.
Your lawyer will use all the evidence collected, witness testimony, medical reports, and your statements to create a compelling argument on your behalf. They will work to maximize your compensation.
Your car accident attorney has access to paralegals, investigators, lawyers who specialize in cases like yours, doctors who can examine and verify your injuries, and financial experts who can calculate your damages. It would help to have more time or resources to handle this independently. They can level the playing field against insurance companies and their attorneys.
Collect Evidence
A car accident lawyer will use their experience and professional network to collect evidence, including witness statements, photographs and other physical proof, medical records, and expert opinions. This holistic evaluation of the accident, injuries, and future damages allows an attorney to build a strong case for their clients.
Documenting the accident scene as soon as possible is essential so it doesn’t get changed or destroyed. Also, it is necessary to seek medical attention immediately so that your doctors can attest to the nature and extent of your injuries. This helps link your injuries to the accident and gives weight to your pain and suffering claim. Medical records also show your lawyer insight into potential future medical complications you may suffer due to your injuries.
Gather Witnesses
Witnesses are invaluable in car accident cases because they provide a fresh, generally unbiased perspective on what happened. It’s essential to gather witnesses as soon as possible after an accident. At the same time, their memories are still fresh and can corroborate or reveal new details that neither you nor the other driver might remember.
Witness statements should be recorded accurately, whether in written form, audio recording, or video, with the witness’s consent. This helps ensure the witness’s account is valid and reflects what they saw in person.
A witness’s credibility is a critical factor in winning car accident claims. Several factors, including character issues or a history of dishonesty, can destroy a witness’s credibility. Inaccurate or inconsistent witness testimony will also eliminate a claim.
Take Pictures
Car accident lawyers rely on photographs to prove the full scope of their clients’ damages. This includes establishing property damage, injuries, and more. In addition, it’s essential to take photos immediately after a crash because memories fade, and evidence is hard to argue with once it disappears.
Photographs can also help when negotiating with insurance companies. They can stop insurance adjustors from trying to discredit your claims, challenge your medical evaluations, or suggest that the crash didn’t cause the damages.
A reasonable attorney will review your case with you and discuss how many pictures are needed to bolster your claim. They will take various images from different angles and record the date & time. They will even take video clips to add to your case if they have a digital camera.
Avoid Talking to the Insurance Company
Insurance companies are in business to make money by settling car accident claims for as little as possible. They often try to trick claimants into signing away their rights or accepting settlements that do not cover their medical expenses and other damages.
Only talk to the insurance company if your attorney tells you to do so. Even if the adjuster seems friendly and accommodating, they are not on your side. Insurance representatives and defense attorneys are looking for anything you say that they can use against you.
Only share information with the insurance company for basic facts like who, what, when, and where. Never share any names or contact information, especially those of people you know or anyone related to your accident.