How to Create a Windows 10 Bootable USB?

Creating a bootable USB drive is a great way to keep your computer running smoothly, especially if you ever need to reinstall Windows 10 or if you want to transfer important files to a different …

How To Create A Windows 10 Bootable USB?

Creating a bootable USB drive is a great way to keep your computer running smoothly, especially if you ever need to reinstall Windows 10 or if you want to transfer important files to a different computer. 

There are several different ways to create a bootable USB drive. The options vary depending on your computer and operating system. Here is the easiest way to create a bootable USB –

Make sure you have the following items before beginning the procedure:

  • A 4GB or 8GB USB drive
  • Windows 10 ISO
  • USB to DVD Downloader software (optional)
  • High-speed internet connection
  • Valid product key

Download the Media Creation Tool to create a bootable USB for Windows 10. Afterward, use the program to generate an installation for another computer. Finally, wait for the installer to finish selecting a USB flash drive.

Step 1: Connect a USB or Pendrive to your computer.

Step 2: Download Windows Media Creation Tool from the Microsoft website.

Download Windows Media Creation Tool from the Microsoft websiteStep 3: After downloading the Windows Media Creation file, double click on MediaCreationToolxxxx.exe. The version of Windows 10 is indicated by the final four digits of the file name.

Step 4: Now click accept.

Step 5: Click on Create installation media for another computer, then select next.Click on Create installation media for another computer then select next 

Step 6: Now select the edition, architecture, and language you want to use on the USB, or select the recommended option and click next. Now select the edition, architecture, and language you want to use on the USB, or select the recommended option and click next

Step 7:  Now you can see Choose which media to use option. From here, select the USB flash drive.  

Step 8: Select Removable drive from select a flash drive box and click next.Select Removable drive from select a flash drive box and click next

The latest Windows 10 setup files will then be downloaded on your computer using the Media Creation Tool. It may take up to 30 minutes for this procedure to finish.

Also Read: Multitasking operating system

Another method for how to make windows bootable USB

There is an alternative to Media Creation Tool. This method requires using a USB drive that’s 4GB or 8GB in size. You can then copy the ISO file (containing Windows 10 installation files) to this USB drive and use your computer’s DVD/CD-ROM reader to burn it onto a disc.

Once you have burned the disc, insert this into your computer’s DVD/CD-ROM slot and start up your computer. You will be prompted to begin the installation process. This method is much faster than the other, and it’s much easier to follow.

Here is the step to follow –

Step 1: Insert the USB drive and turn off your computer

Step 2: Now, in the newly created EFI boot loader (boot), select ISO -> Burn an Image from this file. “Next” should pop up automatically after you have selected it

Step 3: Finally, follow these instructions: Press R to enter recovery mode. Select Disk Management as shown below – Ignore warnings about using a device that has been used for burning before or is not reflective of your computer’s actual capabilities. Press R to enter recovery mode. Select Disk Management as shown below - Ignore warnings about using a device that has been used for burning before or is not reflective of your computer's actual capabilities.

Step 4: Using the up arrow key, choose Advanced (looks like a gear) -> Change Drive Letter and Path – Use this command to format the USB drive: format /FS: Ntfs

Now you are ready to restart. You can now boot into Windows 10 using that USB drive as an installation media for your running system. 


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