Basic to Advanced Questions Commonly Asked in Project Manager Interviews

Even the most self-assured and confident applicant can be nervous before an interview. Interviews have a way of making our pulse rate speed up, especially if it is for a job you really want.  But …

Basic to Advanced Questions Commonly Asked in Project Manager Interviews

Even the most self-assured and confident applicant can be nervous before an interview. Interviews have a way of making our pulse rate speed up, especially if it is for a job you really want. 

But don’t be concerned. 

Anticipating and preparing for project manager interview questions ahead of time might help you relax and lessen your worries. 

In a project management interview, the hiring manager will ask a series of questions to see whether your experience and management style are a suitable fit for the position. 

To be successful in a project management job, you must have a good understanding of the most common interview questions for project managers so that you can prepare ahead of time!

Below are a few common project management interview questions and sample answers to help you:

Project Management Sample Interview Questions and Answers

Tell us something about yourself.

This is the question that most project management job interviews begin with. To do well in this question, the aim is to “be relevant.” Give a brief overview of your professional and educational history. If you’re a seasoned manager, highlight the projects you’ve worked on that are related to the position you’re applying for. 

If you’re a recent graduate, you can inform them about any college projects you’ve completed. Use this question to promote yourself and show the employer why you are the best candidate for the position.

How will you deal with team members that are underperforming in any project?

To get a complete picture of what is going on in the team, a project manager must keep a close eye on each team member’s performance.

Ways in which you should try to deal in such a situation:

  • To identify the fundamental problem, have a direct and casual dialogue with a sympathetic attitude.
  • To inspire the underperforming team member, and provide significant assistance, support, and training.
  • After assessing their capabilities, determine if it is possible to change that team member’s role within the same project.
  • Examine whether the underperforming resource can be replaced with one that is more capable.

Finally, the project manager must reach a balance between project success and supporting the underperforming team member. Therefore, try to reach an answer that encapsulates your management style in a diplomatic manner. 

What function does a critical path play in project management?

You can frame this answer in a way where you explain how the critical path is essential for good project planning. It aids in identifying the best potential timeframe for finishing the project by laying out the sequence of dependent activities that takes the longest. 

Identifying, controlling, and monitoring the critical route, as well as ensuring that all of its operations are completed on time, is crucial to meeting the project’s deadline.

Why are you interested in working for this company?

This is an interview question for which you should be prepared. You can discuss whether their working style is compatible with yours. Tell them whether the job you’re seeking is the next logical step from your existing position. An excellent reaction might be anything as simple as you being drawn to their work culture or vision. 

Even better, you may explain how the work and the organization support your personal development. This demonstrates that you want to work with the organization on a long-term basis.

In your previous job, did you have any disputes with your coworkers?

You may or may not have had conflicts with your former coworkers. However, if you do discuss it, don’t be too harsh. You can talk about the issue but rather than, concentrating on what you did to fix the situation make sure it has a pleasant conclusion. 

You can also discuss what you’ve learned and how you’d deal with such types of people in the future. It demonstrates your ability to lead. What you definitely should not do is berate your boss or coworkers, as it puts out a highly negative impression.


Over time, the project manager’s profile has changed dramatically. Communication ability and leadership qualities, in addition to organizational and negotiating skills, are some of the main traits of a good project manager. 

Even in digital transformation, project managers play a critical role by promoting digital activities in their respected enterprises. For such an important role, it is crucial that you are prepared before attending an interview. 

Be confident and well-spoken and review your work ethic to prepare your answers beforehand so you don’t mess them up in the interview. Try to connect with the interviewer and maintain a flow in your answers.

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