Energy Saving Tips to Deal with Rising Bills

With all of us trying to live to the fullest while trying to manage our expenses, rising electricity bills are something that pulls us all back. Just how many times have you looked at your …

With all of us trying to live to the fullest while trying to manage our expenses, rising electricity bills are something that pulls us all back. Just how many times have you looked at your electricity bill and were concerned about your energy consumption? Electricity bills are a huge part of our living expenses and with energy prices skyrocketing, being worried is only given. Basically increased energy consumption is not good for either your pocket or nature. So as expert electricians in Pakenham and Cranbourne we have brought for you some life-saving tips to help deal with rising bills in the most natural way possible. So, incorporate all these into your life and see how your electricity bill takes a steady fall.

  1. Get your electrical appliances serviced regularly.

Electrical appliances often consume a lot of energy when not working in their best condition. In such a situation, the cost would be high and the overall efficiency would be minimised. If you conduct an energy audit and realise that some appliances are consuming more energy than required, then there must be something wrong with that particular appliance. In case you don’t do regular auditing, such issues could go unnoticed. So, to avoid this it’s recommended to get your appliances serviced regularly to make them work at their full capacity. If you think your electrical appliances are in need of servicing and are looking for an electrician in Pakenham, you don’t have to go anywhere farther from here.

  • Weatherproof your home.

Statistically speaking, annually a single person household in Australia spends an average of $1273 on electricity bill every year and from that around $391–$552 is spent solely for running an air conditioner. So, if you wish to cut down your energy consumption, this is what you need to target. And how do you do this? You cannot possibly control the weather or bear these harsh conditions but what you can do is weatherproof your home. Weatherproofing provides your home increased protection against the harsh weather conditions outside and therefore helps you keep your house hotter or warmer more easily.

How to weatherproof your room?

  1. Install thermal curtains to keep your house warmer.
  2. Insulate your home properly including windows, doors, electrical outlets. A property insulated room creates a semi-sealed environment, making it easier to maintain the desired temperature.
  • Reduce energy consumption at peak hours.

Did you know that during peak hours you are charged more for your electricity consumption and during off-peak hours, comparatively lesser? In Australia, off-peak hours are from 10 pm to 7 am, so if you wish to reduce your energy consumption, try to use more energy-taxing appliances during this time. For instance, you can always use your pool pump at night or run your washing machine in this time frame.

  • Switch to LED lights.

Energy-efficient and environment-friendly are two of the most important USPs of LED lights. So, switching to them instead of using CFLs would be doing a service to both your wallet and earth. Statistically speaking, LED lights could improve your energy consumption level by over 60-70 percent and help you a huge fraction of your electricity bill and that too while saving the environment. That’s a win-win right?

Benefits of LED lights

From us, expert electricians in Pakenham, hear about why shifting to LED is your best option.

  1. Energy efficient.
  2. Environment-friendly with zero heat or UV emissions.
  3. Operate even at low voltage.
  4. Operate properly in cold conditions.
  5. Provides 360 degree light coverage.
  • Switch to energy efficient appliances.

Electrical appliances are what consume your energy, so if you wish to cut out on electricity, your target is these very appliances. If you are observant enough, you must have noticed that most electrical appliances including your AC, fridge, and TV come with a star rating ranging from 1-5. The higher the star rating, the less energy it consumes. For instance, a 4-star AC would consume 100-150 units more electricity than an AC with a 5-star rating. That’s a lot, right? While buying a 5-star appliance would be costlier in the short run, in the long run, it could help you save a fortune.

  • Install solar panels.

Resorting to solar energy and installing solar panels is like a long-term investment, the benefits of which you could keep reaping in the years to come both in terms of reduced electricity bills and decreased levels of pollution. With the highest consumption of solar energy, over 30% of Australian households have solar panels installed on their rooftops. The reason for this increasing shift is the fact that through solar panels you could save an average of $60 on your electricity bill every month. If this is not a good way to deal with your rising bills, what is?

So as electricians from Pakenham, these were our few expert tips on how to bring that much-desired drop in your electricity bills. While we mentioned only 6, the list is quite long. So, in case you wish to know more, you can always get in touch with our experts.

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