How to do an effective Link Building strategy?

The truth is that Link Building is one of the main non-SEO strategies. Logo, every effort you make in content marketing will be useless. But, of course, for this to be true, it is necessary …

Link Building

The truth is that Link Building is one of the main non-SEO strategies. Logo, every effort you make in content marketing will be useless. But, of course, for this to be true, it is necessary to know how to do a link building strategy effectively.

It is very common to hear about its importance, but unfortunately, in practice, few people know how to do a link building in a way that brings good results. So, if you are interested in making your site rank on the networks, see how to do it.

Before everything, it is essential to keep in mind that any link needs to be of quality. In the end, when this happens, you manage to show authority on the internet and, consequently, offer a quality experience for your customers. With everything, so that it is not confusing, discover now everything about the link building strategy.

What is Link Building?

I don’t even know all the link building strategies if you don’t know what it actually is. In this way, I knew that it is a set of tactics that have the objective of acquiring high-quality links from another site that are relevant to your site. Link Building is one of the most popular SEO trends.

When the action reported is done, it increases the reputation of the site and consequently increases the organic positioning. Oh yeah, more people will visit your pages naturally, just by quality of content.

The moment you decide that a link building strategy is to bet more quality than quantity, things like these happen. In this way, before using the link of a page, do not fail to analyze if the content is updated and if it does not contain false information. Thus, you prevent the user from having a further experience through your site.

What is the true importance of the link building strategy for SEO?

In short, link building is important for SEO because it is directly linked to the positioning of the page in Google. Oh yeah, you can make it possible that your site is on the first page of the search.

An important tip is to always try to place the link in the middle or at the beginning of the text. This is because, when it is inserted in the end, it tends to attract little attention from the reader and thus, it may end up losing its usefulness.

What is link juice?

In summary, the link juice is the value that a page passes to another when a link is created for it. It happens that, when your page appears in another, that person who used your link is telling the virtual world that you have authorities on the matter.

When link juice occurs, Google steals a score for your page. In this way, when more third parties will indicate your content, the better your chance will be to stand out in the virtual world.

How to set up a good Link Building strategy?

Now that you already know how it works, it’s time to do a good link building strategy. For this, it is possible to use two methods that will be very effective in this task.

It is important to know that the strategies are complementary. Therefore, despite them, they will work separately, or ideally, always keep them together to have a good result.

Link Building Campaigns

As campanhas devem ser feitas siempre de forma punctual. Thus, you can call the attention of the public with more ease. So, for example, imagine that you are going to have a sale on your site.

It is not news that, when the issue is promotion, most of the population is instigated. Logo, naturally, the circulation on your site will grow considerably. Oh yeah, this is a method that attracted the public and face with which it knows the best its site or you may check this backlinks sites list.

Now imagine a site that constantly has promotion. Of course, in the narrated situation, the hybrid traffic will decrease. In the end, the people will not be pressed to learn about and purchase the products. So, this is a good link building strategy when done correctly.

Is there a problem with the bells?

To exist the disclosure of the promotion, you or the partner site will need to add the links that redirect to a certain page. However, when it is done in an exaggerated way, it can end up generating a penalty.

The truth is that Google wants the user to always have a good experience. In this way, if there are many links in the same content, it is so possible to make it difficult to read and therefore, this behavior is prohibited.

Goal definition

A campaign becomes a goal if you don’t have a goal. But, it is good to know that there is not a certain amount of how many links are necessary to get a good result. Then, the secret is to analyze well your site and your objective.

The first point necessary in the link building strategy is to analyze how many people you want to attract, then check the rate that allows the links to increase. Finally, compare your flow with your competitors.

Analyzing the aforementioned points, it will be possible to see how you will be able to hit your target. In this way, before starting a campaign, thoroughly analyze all these points so that you can achieve your success.

Content types

There are some types of content that fit better with a link building strategy. For example, it is common to see that long publications should always have external links. But, the truth is that it depends a lot on the content. To make it clearer, see some examples that fit:

  • Report/research results;
  • Guides and free tools;
  • Internal statistics, trends and cases;

All of these three types of content usually work very well with that type of strategy. In this way, if your page fears you, you can risk it without fear of making a mistake.

If no two of your content have this feature, you don’t need to worry! The secret for the success is to analyze well if that link really fits, and if yes, you can insert it without any problem.

Is it worth investing in a link building strategy?

It is not an exaggeration to say that anyone who wants to be successful does not need to invest in these strategies. This is because, using an analogy with the physical market, this is a way to attract more customers to your store.

One important thing is to know that everything at the beginning can be complicated. In this way, if you do not have much experience, you may have a little difficulty. But, as time goes on, the link building strategy will start to come true naturally. Logo, the dreamy success of your blog, will be conquered.

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