Making essential oil blends can be a fun and creative endeavor. It can be especially true when one has a goal for the final mix, such as promoting relaxation or aiding in sleep. Several essential oils must be used together to create a therapeutically beneficial oil blend. Understanding the basics of blending is vital before beginning to develop your combinations.
Know Your Oils
Knowing your oils, especially their dilutions and individual characteristics, is essential when creating a blend. It will ensure that the final result is a perfectly balanced oil blend that can be used for therapeutic reasons and fragrance. Choose the best essential oil blends that are available online. The charts can be accommodating in creating the perfect aroma for you and your family. A typical essential oil blend has a top, middle, and base note. Top notes are the lightest scents and tend to evaporate quickly. Middle notes are the bulk of the fragrance and usually last longer than the top note, and the base note is the heaviest and slowest to evaporate of all three. A good tip for those new to essential oil blending is to start with the base note oil(s) when combining your mix. It will help bind the fragrance together and make for an aromatically rich and balanced blend that can last much longer than just the top or middle note alone.
Another helpful technique when blending is to select essential oils that belong to the same fragrance family. It is based on the fact that there are chemical similarities between related oils, so they can be expected to blend effortlessly with one another. A primary way of doing this is to take a single drop of your chosen oil and combine it with four drops of carrier oil. It will give you a 20% dilution of the essential oil.
Know Your Ratios
When creating your essential oil blend, it is vital to have the correct ratios to achieve your desired scent. Using your oils in a massage oil, skin lotion, or other cosmetic application is essential. Scents of different essential oils tend to evaporate at varying rates. It means that if you have too much of one scent in your blend, it may overpower the other. You can help avoid this problem by knowing which oils are considered top, middle, and base notes. Top notes are the lightest scents, and they usually evaporate the fastest. They are also the scents that change the most during a session in the bathroom, so it is best to limit them in your blend.
Middle notes are the next fragrance level, providing a more consistent base for the blend. These are often made from herbs, spices, or flowers and should comprise at least 30% of your final mix. Finally, the bottom notes are the slowest evaporating oils, giving your blend a sense of stability and permanence. These are usually derived from woody and musky oils such as cedarwood, patchouli, or vetiver. You can create your perfect blends once you understand the different scent notes in an essential oil.
Know Your Diluting Agents
Most essential oil blending is done with a carrier oil (also known as diluent), a vegetable or nut oil such as sweet almond, jojoba, avocado, sesame, or macadamia. These dilute the concentrated essential oil to make it safe for topical use or with a diffuser. They are also used for storage and to extend the life of the oils. These are usually the lightest of all the oils in a blend and will evaporate the fastest. It helps to give the aroma longevity and a nice top note to your mix. These should make up about 30% of your final blend. Middle notes are the heart of your essential oil blend. They help to bind the whole fragrance together and are generally made up of herb, spice, or flower essential oils. These will typically take up to 50% of your blend. Base notes are the heavy weight of your essential oil blend and will take the longest to evaporate. They are often earthy scents and will balance out all the other aromas in your mix. A good rule of thumb is to start with one drop of the base note oil, three drops of the middle note, and then add 20 drops of your carrier oil. It will create a 3% dilution, which is recommended for most general therapeutic and aromatherapy applications.
Know Your Storage
Essential oils’ storage conditions play a vital role in defining their quality. The type of container they are kept in, the temperature they are stored at, and how much light they receive can all impact their shelf life. When storing your oil blends, the choice of bottle matters more than you might think. Ideally, a dark-colored glass bottle, such as amber or cobalt blue, is the best option for preserving your oil blend’s quality and potency. These bottles provide optimal protection from harmful UV rays, which can degrade your oils over time. Heat and direct sunlight can also hasten the deterioration of your essential oil blends by increasing their rate of oxidation, which lessens an oil’s aromas and therapeutic properties over time. Refrigerating your essential oil bottles can slow oxidation by keeping the oils in a relaxed, ambient environment.
Additionally, consider displacing the oxygen in your bottle’s headspace with Nitrogen. This inert gas is heavier than air and does not react with your essential oils’ constituents. It is also vital to ensure your oil bottles are always tightly capped. Uncapped bottles can allow moisture to enter the bottle and cause them to become cloudy or to develop water beads inside.