Dealing with alcoholism can be pretty stressful, whether you or a loved one. Detoxifying can be helpful, but you will need additional help to help you conquer your addiction in many cases. Fortunately, there are many recovery centers today, such as Ocean Recovery (, where you or a loved one can get such assistance. Nonetheless, you should understand some of the withdrawal symptoms related to alcoholism. This article will expound further on that subject if it feels overwhelming.
Being anxious is normal when you stop taking alcohol, but that is not a bad thing since you are on the right track to sobriety. You can be tense and agitated in different situations. For instance, you may start feeling scared of people and feel you have wronged them. In that case, you tend to withdraw from crowded places and other areas where you may be forced to interact with many individuals. You will just feel like being alone and thinking about different things.
Insomnia is the state where you cannot catch a good night’s sleep. When you stop taking alcohol, you will be in bed the whole night but sleep for a short time or not sleep at all, especially if you have been consuming the bottle for a long time. The good news is that insomnia as a withdrawal symptom does not last for long if you stick to the fact that you want to quit alcohol. You can be at a recovery center or doing personal rehabilitation, but that does not matter.
Loss Of Appetite
This is a common withdrawal symptom, but it does not happen to everyone. You may feel that you do not want to eat anything, a thing that can go on for days. However, when you regain sobriety, you will be able to eat and even embrace a balanced diet. The best part is that appetite is not a lasting symptom. You can give yourself a few days, and you will be back to normal meal consumption. It is advisable to try as much as possible to eat healthily and normally, because that will play a critical role in your recovery journey and even make it faster.
This symptom is not so common, but it can happen to some people. It is a severe withdrawal symptom that may even require medical attention. It is one of the symptoms that fall under delirium tremens or DTs, primarily if you are used to heavy drinking or consuming drinks with high alcohol contents. Seizures can be treated through medical procedures and prescriptions. Nevertheless, they can be fatal if left untreated for a long time. Fortunately, seizures may fade away with time in some people. You would be very fortunate to fall under such a category.
Hallucinations begin when you start hearing, feeling, and seeing things that are not real. It can make you confused and even contribute to depression and stress. You may not experience insomnia as a symptom, but you may have weird dreams coming from hallucinations. It can be pretty severe to hallucinate because it can mess up your memory and cognitive abilities. Hallucinations come and go, but they fall under severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
Shaky Hands
When you consume alcohol for long enough or in large quantities, your body becomes weak. You might have realized that when you or someone else quits alcohol, they will have shaky hands. This is a condition ranked under mild alcohol withdrawal symptoms. That means it can last between six and eight hours after quitting drinking.
Most doctors and other medical practitioners understand how to diagnose and treat some alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Nonetheless, the major decision to quit the bottle lies with you for your own good.