You may have encountered this error message: “Instagram couldn’t refresh feed” when you tried to view the feed of your Instagram Profile.
This error is common for many Instagram users and if you are facing this issue, there are several reasons for this error.
In this article, we will discuss how to solve the Instagram Couldn’t Refresh Feed error.
How to Refresh Instagram Feed?
There are a few ways to refresh your Instagram feed. You can either scroll down and view posts in chronological order, or you can “follow” certain hashtags. When you follow a hashtag, Instagram will automatically show you the latest posts from that hashtag in your feed.
If you want to see the random posts related to your interest then click on the search icon on bottom of the screen and it will show you the posts related to your previous history and interest.
How to fix “Instagram Couldn’t Refresh Feed”?
Below, we have mentioned some of the possible reasons behind the Instagram refreshing error. Here are the problems and their solutions:
· Check your Internet Connection
First of all, check your internet connection. If your network connection is slow, this error can be caused by a weak network signal. In this case, you need to switch between Wi-Fi and cellular data.
After checking the network signal, you need to restart your device. Once you have a new Internet connection, try to log into Instagram and check if the problem is fixed.
If it still happens, try to log out and re-login using your user credentials. Another possible reason for the Instagram couldn’t refresh feed error is that your cache is full. Cache files are small files that are stored on your device to improve the loading process.
· The App isn’t updated
One of the other reasons why you are facing the issue when refreshing the Instagram Feed is that your app is not updated. Instagram is a very well-known app that frequently updates app while introducing new features and functions.

However, you can easily update the app through your Play store to see someone’s activity on Instagram.
· Instagram servers are down
It is unclear exactly why the service gets down, but it is possible that a single factor caused the downing. While it is impossible to pinpoint the exact reason, you can always check the Known Issues page for updates. This page will also show you any errors and error codes. You can also check the website’s Twitter account for updates.
While many users have reported issues accessing their accounts, it has become clear that Instagram and Facebook experience downtime. The Instagram app stops refreshing and loading new pictures.
When the servers are down, you won’t be able to put multiple pictures on an Instagram story or add any other activity to your Instagram Profile.
To verify about the servers being down, the first step is to verify if your internet connection is up and running. If it is, you might be experiencing issues with the website’s performance. If your network has been down for a while, you may want to turn off your Wi-Fi connection. A weak signal could affect the service. An outage on the ISP’s servers could also cause Instagram to experience slow performance. When this happens, your device’s cache files will be full.
· Instagram cache is full
If you have an Instagram account, there’s a good chance you’ve seen the message “Cache is full. Please clear some space and try again” at some point. This message means that your account has hit its storage limit, and you’ll need to delete some of your old posts or photos to make room for new ones.
There are a few ways to see if Instagram is telling you that your cache is full. The easiest way is to go to your profile, and then click on the three lines in the top left corner. This will pull up a menu, and one of the options will be “Storage Usage.” If you tap on this, you’ll be able to see how much storage space you’re using on Instagram and how much is left. If Instagram is telling you that your cache is full, it will say so under “Storage Usage”.
If you want to see the Instagram Activities without removing the cache then you may go for Instagram viewers like Pikdo, Piknu, or Yooying.

· Your date and time is wrong
If your Mobile’s date and time are wrong then this may be the reason behind the Instagram Couldn’t refresh feed error. However, you can easily correct the time and date through the following steps.
There are a few ways to fix the time and date on your mobile device.
- The first way is to go to Settings and then scroll down to Date & Time. Make sure that the Set Automatically option is turned on. If it is turned off, your mobile device will use the time and date from your carrier.
- The second way to fix the time and date on your mobile device is to go to Settings and then scroll down to Language & Input. Under Region Format, make sure that the correct country is selected.