Navigating The Legal Waters: Common Types Of Maritime Injuries

Maritime injury law is specialized and has a quite different set of rules from those that apply on land. This division of personal injury law deals with accidents pertaining to navigation, marine shipping, and marine …

Maritime injury law is specialized and has a quite different set of rules from those that apply on land. This division of personal injury law deals with accidents pertaining to navigation, marine shipping, and marine commerce. It’s quite a broad field, and as such, there are specialist lawyers who advise and represent people injured at sea or on any other water bodies.

As you may already know, maritime jobs pose numerous challenges and risks. This is not only for workers but for fun seekers on waterways, too. Therefore, it is very critical for workers (and tourists seeking a maritime adventure) to understand the risks since this is an environment where small accidents can lead to very severe injuries—even death.

Below, we take a look at the most common types of maritime injuries and the importance of knowing your rights. This is very important, as you get to know what steps to take if an injury occurs.

Types of Common Maritime Injuries

Several injuries are common in the maritime sector. Here are a few:

a. Slipping and Falling: This is the most common type of ship and dock accident, usually brought about by slippery surfaces, uneven decks, or stumbling blocks.

b. Accidents with Machinery: Working with and close to heavy machinery on vessels can lead to serious personal injuries.

c. Exposure to dangerous substances: A large number of maritime workers have been exposed to dangerous substances over time. Many later succumb to some of these long-term health hazards.

d. Overexertion: Injury that arises during lifting heavy loads or pulling ropes, where the individual in question has to perform bodily work or tasks of one form or another, can cause injuries related to overexertion. Such injuries include muscle strains and sometimes tearing of the muscles.

Legal Rights and Protections for Maritime Workers and Adventurers

Maritime workers are protected by specific laws in relation to their safety and compensation in case of injury. The Jones Act, for example, grants workers the right to seek compensation for injuries that have been sustained by negligence of their employer or co-workers.

General maritime law also provides benefits. These benefits extend to everyone, regardless of if they are a worker or a tourist. Some of the core components of this coverage include medical treatment and living expenses for food and other supplements until the individual is able to be well again. Maritime injury attorneys are able to help you fight for these rights.


People on or along waterways face risky dangers but have to understand common maritime injuries in order to fight for their legal rights if the need arises. Armed with this knowledge, if you or any of your family members are injured while in any maritime area, do not hesitate to consult maritime injury attorneys. Quite literally, maritime injury attorneys know maritime law inside and out, and they are the right people who can help to make sure that you and/or your loved ones are going to get the compensation and care due to you.

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