Online learning is a great way to study while working or juggling one’s time around caring for a family and school activities. It offers the flexibility and convenience of working from home, as well as the possibility of more personalized attention than in a crowd of students in a lecture room. Get to know fellow students in online chat rooms and even informal study groups in a coffee shop.
There are many advantages to learning online, and with the availability of technology, students are able to chat with lecturers in video calls, join student groups, receive notices and new material, and review results electronically. They can email their questions to their lecturer and receive a detailed answer specific to their question. The student determines their hours, and if an unexpected event takes place or they are under pressure at work, they can reschedule their study time to fit in. Some online institutions do require a certain number of hours per week, so check this before enrolling.
It takes a certain amount of discipline and motivation to study online. It teaches life skills such as time management and self-discipline and develops a tendency toward ongoing learning, a necessary characteristic to succeed in the vast and ever-changing medical environment. In addition, if one does not already have the technical skills, working online will be a forced introduction to skills such as internet research, emails, video chats and any other technology that a university may encourage the use of.
There are often distractions, however, and one needs to be tactful but firm with family and friends about the importance of uninterrupted study time. The motivation to do the course comes from within as the student matures into a person who values knowledge and accomplishment and recognizes the need for self-discipline in their life.
What is placement work?
One of the challenges for nurses who decide to study online is the practical experience that is prescribed by universities as part of the qualification. This practical term of work can take months to complete, depending on the area of study. Nurses who study online often have difficulty fitting the placement period into their busy lives. Do not be discouraged, though, as there are ways of working around it.
A placement is a term of practical study in a hospital or primary care setting where one gains experience related to the course they are studying. With a nursing qualification, there is always a requirement to spend a prescribed period of time getting practical, hands-on experience in a suitable environment while undergoing assessments that ultimately count towards final course results.
Many universities offer placement services as part of their degree packages, allowing students to focus on their studies while a suitable placement position is found for them. Universities generally try to place students in an area close to home so that they can remain with their family during this period.
In addition to a current master’s degree, one can do an online post-graduate course in a number of specialties, such as adult-gerontology, family, psychiatry, acute care and pediatrics. For example, one can combine their master’s in nurse practitioner with an online acute care certification or obtain a family nurse practitioner specialty and then go on to specialize in pediatrics as well. The online post-graduate course in the discipline of interest can be done while the student is busy with their master’s degree or afterwards if preferred. The options are many, and the more one studies, the more confidence they will gain in the workplace.
For those interested in the flexibility of online study and a vocation that promises a dynamic working environment with plenty of rewards and personal growth, they can find out how to become a family nurse practitioner by studying online at Texas Woman’s University (TWU). As part of their Master of Science in Nursing — Family Nurse Practitioner degree, TWU offers a placement service and an introduction to a preceptor, who will support the student for the duration of their practical work.
One problem facing nurses is that not all educational institutions offer a placement service. This means that if someone enrolls at a facility that does not provide access to placement positions, it puts them under additional pressure to find a placement to complete their course.
Ideally, one should start looking at placement availability before they enroll in a course, as a lack of availability may mean they have to study in a different state with different regulatory requirements. In 2016, the National Task Force (NTF) for Quality Nurse Practitioner Education released a document stating that NPs need to have completed a graduate program that includes a minimum of 500 clinical practice hours, but some graduate courses require up to 700 hours. It seems that there is a lack of guidelines for aspiring NP students, who are often unaware that they may struggle to find a facility that has the capacity to accept them.
If a university does not offer placement services, it is still possible to contact them and ask for referrals to suitable placements in a particular area of study. Failing that, a student can call various institutions to introduce themselves and inquire as to whether they are able to assist with the necessary clinical hours needed to complete their degree.
Alternatively, NP students can find a preceptor — a person who takes responsibility for supervising students’ clinical experience and patient hours. Preceptors are people with extensive experience who enjoy teaching. They have the ability to recognize the student’s core knowledge and abilities, carefully supervising nervous students while taking care of patient safety at the same time. They generally have a wealth of knowledge to impart and provide excellent mentorship.
According to the Online Journal for Issues in Nursing (OJIN), there is a shortage of medical institutions that offer placement services, and student nurses often battle to find placement facilities and sometimes even a preceptor to help them with their practical experience.
Nurses who have full-time jobs usually need to take time off from work so that they can fulfill the practical requirements of the degree. This is not always acceptable to employers, unfortunately. However, if a student’s employer recognizes the value of having a qualified nurse practitioner on their staff, it is worth finding out whether they might make an exception and grant extra study leave.
The shortage of nurse preceptors is exacerbated by a lack of guidelines for preceptorship, resulting in students reaching out to anyone who will assist. This is not always ideal, so be careful in the search for a suitable preceptor. Ask for references if possible, and make sure that they are able to cover the areas of study that comply with degree requirements.
What one should know about nursing placements
When enrolling with a university that places graduate students in the relevant clinical settings, the university will request details such as where someone lives and the area in which they would prefer a placement. They will also require details of an applicant’s qualifications and licensure, as well as their working experience. The university may ask for additional information, such as a background check, and they may also screen for drugs.
If one has managed to find a placement on their own initiative, they should make sure that the medical institution where they will be spending 500 hours working is recognized by their university and that their efforts will count towards their degree.
Flexible graduation times
Working full time while studying online for a master’s degree in nursing science is difficult, but with hard work and perseverance, it can be done. Some universities allow a degree of flexibility by offering placements with extended graduation periods. This is to give nurses with family and job responsibilities time to plan around their busy schedules and to enjoy a stress-free placement term without too many disruptions.
For those to who this applies to, it might be wise to look around at the MSN courses offered by various universities and find the ones that offer placements with flexibility, allowing students to extend their graduation if required. However, care needs to be taken that the curriculum for the course one enrolls in is applicable to the licensure regulations of the state they live in. The regulations for nurse practitioners differ between states, and one may find that the qualification they obtain in another state may not be acceptable in their state’s hospitals or medical practices.
Some universities will provide a list of states where the course is recognized according to regulatory standards. If not, it is advisable to do a thorough investigation before enrolling in a different state. If in doubt, call the enrollment officer at the university for confirmation. If the course one is planning to take does not meet regulatory requirements, the institution is bound by law to provide a written disclosure stating that their course does not meet the required educational standards.
If the student is in a stable job and their place of work has a position for them as an NP once they qualify, it could be a chance to approach them for extra leave, or unpaid leave, to do practical training. They may even be able to offer a placement position. Alternatively, valued members of their staff are likely to be offered some study leave to complete placement training elsewhere.
When attending a clinical placement, be mindful of behavior and dress code, and make sure to always arrive on time. This is the opportunity to interact with both staff and patients: be professional and polite at all times.
Transition from registered nurse to nurse practitioner
Becoming a nurse practitioner is not a simple matter of studying for a master’s degree. The new role of nurse practitioner involves more responsibility and, whereas one was once a senior registered nurse, they are a junior in their field once again. This experience can be quite daunting.
It is for this reason that a placement period of study is an important part of the learning process, to cope as an NP. While doing placement work, it is important to ask questions, take pride in the work and be friendly. Make the most of the placement experience to become prepared for the transition into the new role.
Registered nurses play a valuable role in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and other medical facilities. They work long hours, making sure patients are well cared for, and that paperwork is up to date. They ensure cleanliness of the medical facility, administer medicines, dress wounds, perform triage to determine the severity of cases, and can act effectively in emergencies.
Being a nurse practitioner, however, is very different. Nurse practitioners perform advanced nursing functions and can even open their own practices in many states. If not in a practice of their own, they can find work in a medical practice, performing an intermediary role between medical doctors and patients and taking the workload off primary care physicians’ overloaded schedules. NPs are permitted to perform physical examinations, diagnose and treat patients, prescribe medicines, document medical histories and treatments, suggest further tests and analyze the results, create patient care plans and teach patients how to care for themselves.
The master’s degree in nursing science prepares nurse practitioners for the new role they will play in the medical world, however, research conducted by Hilary Barnes, PhD has shown that the transition is not at all easy. From being a senior registered nurse, they suddenly find themselves in a junior role once more as they begin to learn about what it is like to be a new NP. Barnes found that employment turnover rates for NPs are twice as high as those of physicians, with the suggestion being that the reason for this is poor transition experiences.
Be aware of this possibility and make every effort to avoid feelings of incompetence and uncertainty. NPs must believe in themselves — they have come this far, and they have the capability to go a lot further. They should make the most of their placement period to acquaint themselves with the intricacies of their new role. While they have a good mentor, they should seize the opportunity to ask questions and learn as much as they can. This enthusiasm can inspire others to reap the rewards of reciprocal relationships and a flow of information.
The importance of self-care
Nurses are individuals who take their work seriously, constantly striving for excellence when it comes to patient outcomes and putting work and family first. Their roles involve a lot of heavy, physical work and long, action-filled hours.
There is a lot going on in the lives of full-time nurses who also study in their spare time, so it is easy for them to neglect their well-being. If we add a family to the equation, they are more than likely neglecting their personal needs, and this can lead to burnout. It is important to take time out, even if it means establishing a routine of 10 minutes in the morning before getting the rest of the family out of bed. Use this time to sit quietly with a warm drink, reflect and plan the day so that one can start with a fresh mind, knowing what they should achieve in the next 12 hours or so. A spa treatment once a month or a walk in the garden or park will refresh the body and mind. One should embrace study and ongoing learning but take it in their stride. Take time out for the important things in life, like family and friends, keeping the mind active and ensuring good patient care.